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C Program to input Values in a 2x2 square matrix and display the value

 C Program to input Values in a 2x2 square matrix and display the value

    In this example, we will accept values from the user in a 2x2 square and matrix and then it is displayed. To solve this problem we must know what is matrices and arrays.

What are Arrays?

    An array is a data structure for storing more than one data member of similar data type.

        Array can be of following types:

    • One-dimensional Array
    • Two-dimensional Array
    • Multi-dimensional Array       
    In Array we must always initialize values.


int main()
    int a[2][2],i,j;
    printf("Enter the values of the matrix:");
    printf("Displaying the Matrix.\n");
    return 0;


 Enter the values of the matrix:48




 Displaying the Matrix.

 48      65

 23      34

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