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C Program to Add Two Matrices Using Multi-dimensional Array.

C Program to Add Two Matrices Using Multi-dimensional Array. 

    In this example, we will add two matrices using multi-dimensional array. Two matrices can be added if they are equal means their order/dimensions must be same. Addition of matrices is performed by adding the corresponding elements of the two matrices.

    Here in the Output we have  allowed the user to enter the row and column size of their matrices according to their requirements but they can enter the value of row size and column size less than 100.


int main()
    int row,column,i,j,a[100][100],b[100][100],c[100][100];
    printf("Enter the row size of the matrices(max. value 100) : ");
    printf("Enter the column size of the matrices(max. value 100) : ");
    printf("Enter the elements of the 1st Matrix : ");
    printf("Enter the elements of the 2nd Matrix : ");
    printf("The addition of two matrices is : \n");
            printf("%d  ",c[i][j]);
    return 0;


 Enter the row size of the matrices(max. value 100) : 3

 Enter the column size of the matrices(max. value 100) : 3

 Enter the elements of the 1st Matrix : 12









 Enter the elements of the 2nd Matrix : 14









 The addition of two matrices is :

 26  114  77

 116  76  45

 51  91  100 

NOTE: You Can Comment Your Code if you have solved differently and we will pin it in the comment section.  Let's Learn together. 


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