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C Program to Print first N Even Natural Number/in Reverse Order

 C Program to Print first N Even Natural Number.

    In this example, we will find and print the first N even natural. Here we have used for loop to solve this program.


What are Natural Numbers?

Natural Numbers are all positive numbers starting from 1 to infinity. 

    For Example:  1,2,3,4,5,6,.............................,n are all natural numbers.

What are Even Numbers?

Even numbers are those numbers whose remainder is 0 when divided by 2.

    For Example: 2,4,6,8,10,.....,n are all even numbers.


void main()
    int i,x;
    printf("Enter the value of N : ");


C Program to Print First N Even Natural Number in Reverse Order.



int main()
    int i,x;
    printf("\nEnter the value of N");
    printf("\nPrinting first %d even number in reverse order.\n",x);
    return 0;


C Program to Print First N Even Natural Number in Reverse Order.

NOTE: You Can Comment Your Code if you have solved differently and we will pin it in the comment section.  Let's Learn together. 


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