C Program to find out the biggest of three numbers using Nested if Statement. In this example we will learn how to find the biggest of three numbers using Nested if statement. LOGIC OF THE BIGGEST OF THREE NUMBERS: At first we have declared three variables a,b and c and we have stored the numbers inputted by the user in this three variables. Then we have to check if the value of a greater than b then it will check if a greater than c if it is greater then it will print the value of a is the biggest of the three numbers and if it is not greater than it will print c is the biggest of three numbers. If the value of a not greater than b then it will not execute the above statements Then it will move to the second statement that is else if and will check if b greater than a if it is true then it will check if b greater than c if it is true it will print the value of b is the biggest of the three numbers if not then it will print the value of c is the biggest of three numbers....